Language course tokens
Language Course Tokens [LEK & LEK2]
All first-cycle students are entitled to 240 [LEK] language course tokens, while third-cycle students are entitled to 120 [LEK] language course tokens. Second-cycle students are entitled to 30 [LEK2] language course toekens to be used to study a language at B2+ level. One token is the equivalent to one class-hour in a selected foreign language.
Language course tokens entitle students to register for language courses. Once students have used their allocated tokens, they may continue to register for language courses but at their own cost.
Language course tokens that are allocated to students free of charge have their own monetary value and impact University finances. For every registration using such tokens, the University, in accordance with Senate Resolution, transfers funds from its budget to the language teaching units concerned.
In light of the Study Regulations at the University of Warsaw, students who enrol on a course are obliged to complete it. They may cancel their registration from a language course (while registration is open) or withdraw from it. In the former case, unused tokens will be returned to the student’s account, while in the latter, the tokens are forfeited (and treated as used).